Fair play! They are not real. . Be advised, the last section contains swear/curse/cuss words, so if you dont want to read them, skip the last section. Example: I need rest today. Meaning: (Adjective) To many of us, deadly means something dangerous that could lead to death when done. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Severe illness. Meaning: (Greeting) This Irish greeting is often used when a person comes home from the pub. one who is uninteresting. Example: My son is a chancer, alright. The most common Irish slang insults are "eejit" or "gombeen" which means "idiot." Minerals Here we are coming back to the drinking culture in Ireland. For instance, Shite, store the cans. There are two peelers approaching from that direction. I laughed until my belly hurt! Give me a try is an additional option. Example: Should we bring a sanger to avoid getting hungry while on the trip? I have no other words. Our website is full of tips, reviews and travel deals to help you plan your next trip away. This article is the combined work of four writers: Sorcha OHiggins, Tara Povey, Sarah Arnold, and Niall Colbert. For instance, Shite man, Im late. Meaning: (Expression) In Irish slang words, the term eat the head off is used when someone is furious with another person. Will I, yea? Meaning: A scoldingExample of usage and translation: He spent the whole evening drinking at the pub. HEY. Meaning: He is very chatty / He can talk at lengthExample of usage and translation: God yer one would talk the hind legs off a donkey = That girl would bore you to death with her incessant talk, Meaning: To kiss someone passionatelyExample of usage and translation: My mouth is red raw, he was scoring the face off me for hours at Coppers = I have sandpapered my skin off my passionately kissing someone for hours in the local meat market. Shes got notions In this sense, the word notions can be used as a dismissive put down or to indicate someone has ideas above their station. Example: I heard he turned in to a skanger. Example: You are a fine young lady, so dont let any man break your heart. For instance, I gave him a kick in the bollox because he was slagging me.. Meaning: (Phrase) Having the craic means a person is ready to listen to the latest news of gossip. The car wont start again because the engine is banjaxed, or No, the things banjaxed sure., In an Irish bar anywhere in the world, if you hear someone say theyre Going to the jacks or ask you, Where are the jacks, they are referring to the restroom. Key Irish Slang Words when Visiting Ireland 1. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It is a book containing the gallows speeches from over 100 offenders. It usually refers to someone who willingly does a favour, asked or not, although usually unexpected - Like when you ask for one rollie and your given two, or the bouncer to an over 21s let's you in when your 20. Example: All she does is show meaningless videos. Example: Shes a cute hoor for always getting what she wants. Rainey weather type. Meaning: (Verb) The term dander is used in everyday conversation and means to walk.. Meaning: (Expression) The expression quality means that something is good or made in great condition. Why? You are such a clown! . Example: Shut your bake! I'm steamin' - you might hear this at the pub 18. These are all bad! Meaning: (Adjective) Locked is another term used when a person is blackout drunk. Im interested in 18th century Irish slang, particularly the word they used to make denigrating remarks about the British. Irish slang words and phrases are ubiquitous, even in polite conversation, so youll need to master them to make heads or tails of whats being said at the pub. He is a smooth-talker and gets what he wants, even in the wrong way. A bit like some of these phrases for me! For instance, Stop, I know. Rainey weather type. Meaning: (Adjective) Class is another term for good in Ireland. Meaning: (Noun) Yoke is Irish slang that is used to call something with a name you cant remember, even when you think hard enough. Ive split these into sections: slang Irish phrases, slang Irish words, Irish expressions used for saying hello, Irish slang phrases for drunk and also Irish slang insults and swear words. Example: I will eat the head off of him for saying such horrible things! It is often used sarcastically. WHY did I have the second bottle of wine, for instance. For example, Richard says I got you a pint cause I was at the bar to which Mick responds sound. Oh, I do. Im in a hurry, so lets talk soon! Youll hear stall it when someone wants to pause at a shop and pop inside and they need their friends to stop and wait. Meaning: (Expression) Fair play is an Irish expression that means good job or well done. This expression is mostly used after winning a game or congratulating someones success. Example: Its so sad to see a shitehawk, but I have no money to spare. The Craic was 90 There's more than just one craic in Irish slang. But dont think for a second that, because the people of this lovely island speak English, it will be easy for you to befriend the locals. Will you wait for me in this spot? Meaning: (Noun) Midden was originally a Scottish word that later on was used to call an unattractive person from Ireland. For example, if my son spills milk because he is not being careful pouring it, youll often hear me say Jesus, Mary and Joseph, can you watch what youre doing!. Jesus, Mary and Joseph This is one of those Irish things to say that every Irish mammy will utter, over and over again. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish words, The jacks means toilet. Meaning: Stop acting upNote: Most often said by ones mother, it basically means stop doing what youre doing right now, or suffer the consequences. When something is so incredible that its difficult to believe it, we use the adjective unreal. Dye see me new runners, for instance. Therefore, this is a particularly derogatory phrase that is used by women only. Culchie/Langer These are terms that usually refer to someone to who lives down the country and isnt a Dub. Usually only used informally among friends. Youre one can short of six. Meaning: (Adjective) Gas, in Irish slang, is not the gas we used to operate a car or cook our food. For example, I managed to book tickets for that concert you were telling me about Paddy, to which Paddy replies deadly. Example: You almost lost your passport? used to describe a bothersome person. rinnai condensate drain installation Likes. Did you see what she posted on Facebook? is an illustration. . It can also mean they are taking advantage of you. Meaning: (Phrase) In a heap/hoop is a person who is overly intoxicated. The phrase the craic was 90 is used to indicate a situation in which serious amusement was had. Example: I cant explain it but Im in bits after the meeting. Sure, itll be grand means it will be ok. Or if someone responds to the questions how are you with grand, it means theyre ok/fine. The Black Stuff What locals call a pint of Guinness. Lazy person is the correct translation. There, its like a midden. When something (or someone) is not functioning properly, it is said to be broken. Therefore, Ireland has been one of the most recommended destinations for people who love to travel and explore the world. For instance, She won money down the bingo this week once more. Jammy hoor! Leg it This is used to tell someone to run. Example: Im glad to spend time with you this summer. , For instance, Oh, Kayla. Cant stop, Im sorry. Meaning: Well done!Example of usage and translation: Jaysus, you did well there, good woman yourself! = Jesus man, well done, congratulations!, Meaning: ThingyExample of usage and translation: Wheres that yoke gone? = Where has that random thing gone that I was looking for?, Meaning: My girlfriendNote: You can also refer to a group of females as mots., Meaning: VeryExample of usage and translation: Its fierce windy out = Its very windy outside, Meaning: Equivalent the F wordExample of usage and translation: wheres me bleedin phone? = Where my F****** phone?, Meaning: That sucks / How unfortunate for you. Give it a lash This is used to tell someone to give it a go, try it, give it a whirl. Meaning: (Expression) Its rotten is another way of saying its raining in Ireland. Meaning: (Expression) One of the funny Irish phrases today is suckin diesel because who would want to do that, right? Meaning: (Phrase) Ogeous handling is a situation wherein the people are in danger. The Irish term is another word for a stupid person. Raging An Irish expression means someone is angry or disappointed with themselves. You look well! In this case it is a vague answer of itll be ok. Example: Were you shifting with her the other night? Did you see her going to the toilet in front of the police station?. For instance, Mary, what a wonderful day it is today.. Fear no more. When I was starting to put together this list with my husband, I wanted to run this list by him. Although Ireland became a country that spoke English as its primary language around the turn of the 19th century, the English that is spoken there differs significantly from the original. Its pure shit today. Meaning: (Adjective) The word gobdaw is Irish slang thats used to describe a stupid person. You dropped your wallet. , Two different things can be meant by the phrase Cmere to me. The first is to physically come to me, as in Cmere to me and tell me what happened?, The second time you might use this Irish proverb is to ask someone to pay attention to you, as in Cmere to me for a minute and Ill tell ya., The term lob the gob refers to a kiss. Meaning: (Noun) Gowl is another word for eejit that is used as an insult in Ireland. I was raging I missed it means Im so disappointed I missed it. Yes, its just spitting. If someone says the craic was 90 it means the fun, laughter and joviality was amazing. Topic: +100 Irish Slang Words To Sound Like A Local. OTool assigned us enough math homework to last about seven weeks. Example: Its been a bad dose since morning. Depending on the circumstance, this one might be offensive. Meaning: (Noun) A skanger is a person who is often involved in minor acts of crimes and is often in danger or hiding from authorities. Burgers for free. Cheers, many thanks., To try something out means to take a shot of it. One who resides in a far-off area of Ireland is referred to as a culchie. Anyone who lives outside of Dublin is typically referred to as A culchie by Dubliners. Another one for describing someone who is stupid is this. Meaning: (Noun) The term bog is an Irish word for people of the lowest class. For instance, That new full-back theyve brought on is pure class.. Meaning: (Phrase) In bits is when a person is describing something bad that happened to him or her. Say, Eh, is that Karen up there on that table? She has consumed 17 vodkas. That lad keeps texting me, for instance. Meaning: (Noun) Baked is another name for the mouth or face. Meaning: (Noun) The messages is an Irish term for shopping or groceries. I heard from Noley that you were attending to your hemorrhoids. Irish slang words and meanings Eejit - This is probably one of the most commonly used Irish slang terms that I know of. Meaning: (Noun) The word wean is used to identify a small child. I havent seen him in donkeys years means that you havent seen that person for a very long time. Meaning: (Adjective) Gobshite is used to describe an incompetent person. When my sister told me shed won 50 on a bet during the Irish Grand National my immediate response was you jammy sod. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish slang, the word clown is a person who is silly and loves to joke all the time. He may have taken us in a taxi to our destination and then hopped out without paying for it, for instance. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase Lob the gob is Irish slang for kissing.. Can you use your jumper cables to give it a lash? By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Shes up there giving out to Tony about something, for instance. Translated: A stroll. Meaning: Little brats /little shitsExplanation: shitehawk can be used affectionately. In Irish slang, people who live in the countryside are called culchie.. To be sound: Irish slang. Another one for extremely inebriated people. It can mean you understand. Taking the piss People say someone was taking the piss when they mean they were either being silly/stupid or they are teasing you. Do you want to be in an ogeous handling? Now you've learned a little Irish slang you can build on your slang vocabulary with these words. Get outta that garden A fun Irish phrase used to get a laugh or reaction or can also be said to someone who is being nosy or doing something they shouldnt. After more than 400 comments, the following guide was created. So "have sohme fun with ooehr Oirish accent translator bot!" If you like our Irish why not create a great app with it by using our Irish API? Learn more? Example: You were in a heap last night! Meaning: (Expression) The expression Did I fuck is used when a person sarcastically means he or she did not do the thing the other person was asking. Tame. Example: You went to the beach? You could say some of these Irish funny phrases are gas. Dose Means a case of illness. Shes a terrible wagon. Nice person. About 20 times a day, I use this. Meaning: (Expression) A bad dose is one of the most used Irish expressions when someone is having a bad day. She regularly returns to Ireland to explore more of the wonderful island with her family. You can post any Irish slang youre unsure of in the comments section below, and Ill get back to you. Also, this expression can be used when you want someone to come near you, so you can say something to him or her. Howsagoin?! This is hilarious! Your email address will not be published. Translation: I will never get around to it. Youll hear Dubliners saying town was jammers in the run up to Christmas when the streets are full of shoppers. Deadly Indicates that something is cool or awesome. I know. When absolutely no fun was being had, it was said to be minus craic, which is the complete opposite of having the craic. For instance, Last night, we went to the new club. Meaning: (Adjective) The Irish slang all lured denotes a feeling of delight towards someone or something. Scarlet Is an Irish slang word for embarrassed. I cant stand you!. Meaning: (Noun) A sleeveen is a person whos often rogue. Meaning: (Verb) Faffing is used by Irish people when a person is pretending to do something or acting like he or she is doing something but with no half measures. Here the top 80 most used Irish slang phrases. The slang was taken from the original word and is now one of the common Irish sayings today. Meaning: (Phrase) A cute hoor is used to describe a person who can turn any situation into one that can benefit him or her using crafty ways. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase one can short of six means that a person is not thinking straight or is not fully present in a certain situation. Example: Quit slagging her. Such as, Ross, ya pox! For instance, Last night, the pub was jam-packed with culchies.. Required fields are marked *. Example: Im not in the mood to go out. Bang on is another example of Irish slang for good and is typically used as a response. Shes away with the fairies An Irish expression used to describe someone who is living in their own little bubble (la la land) or isnt all there. I wont even bother with the plants. Example: Hey, hows the form? Example: I have never seen these people in the city. Shed talk the hind legs off a donkey This girl/woman is a right chatterbox, never stops talking. Dope is another word for a stupid person in Ireland. Say, Ah, stop, thats gas! , Emmas dog is gas, etc. Meaning: shes an unfortunate looking girl wearing a lot of make-up to try and cover it up. Meaning: He is an idiotExplanation: The proper way to pronounce idiot in Ireland.Note: In Nothern Ireland, youll hear the insult Buck eejit, which means just about the same thing. To be pissed off/fucked off Means to be annoyed with something/someone/a situation. You'll often hear "he's an awful eejit" meaning he's a bit dumb. A nice way to say f*ck is feck. Feck this, Im not listening to him shitting on for any longer, or That fecker was in here mooching about the place again this morning, for instance. Meaning: (Noun) An eejit is a person who acts stupid or is just a plain idiot. He put the heart across me Means that person gave me a real scare/frightened me. Here are a few (Ill update this again later as new comments are submitted). Howya/Hewya How are you cobbled into a one-word expression. Or something they themselves wouldnt attempt. Its lashing/bucketing outside Means it is pouring with rain outside. My brother-in-law uses this term all the time. Email: Word: Define: Add your Slang. Example: I was locked last night and cant remember how I got home. I thought you passed out! Example: Im glad to see you suckin diesel. Meaning: (Noun) Latchio is a form of derogatory word used for a male person with a low social status. Example: Its spitting outside but it might rain harder, so dont forget your umbrella. However, a quick Google search for 18th-century Irish speech suggested this: Example: Gosh, she was stumbling out of the pub last night. Shes a tool. I will, yeah This has the opposite meaning to what is implied. Example: Wow, you really did get me a concert ticket. The following section delves into Irish idioms and slang terms that Ive used in the past but that were completely lost on listeners. Youll often hear Irish mammies say ah feck instead of the f-word around kids. For instance, She wants to be f****d out of the club. She is arranged in rags. Example: Good woman! Meaning: (Expression) The Irish phrase give it a lash is used to encourage a person to pursue something or give it a go.. Example: Story horse! Meaning: What culchies call people from Dublin. This *might* give you an insight. The cure denotes a pint of beer/Guinness to cure the hangover. is really familiar. Meaning: (Adjective) In Ireland, dope has a different meaning from the American version of the word. For instance, Since she got home and saw what the dog did to the couch in the living room, shes been up to 90.. See what I did there! Some of my favorites are listed below. The 20 Happiest Countries in the World, 2022, This Guide To Irish Slang and Insults Will Have You Downing Guinness With the Locals in a Flash, The Ultimate Guide To the Many Accents in Ireland, 12 Common Hand Gestures in the US That Will Insult People in Other Countries, 29 Phrases To Get You Started Learning Pidgin English, Does Duolingo Actually Work? Sure you know yourself A confirmation of knowledge or unspoken acknowledgement about something or a situation. I don't know, but it sounds like some Irish slang I've heard my entire life. Gas If an Irish person says Thats gas, they are not referring to an actual gas, they mean something is funny! Actually, you could also use the word lash in this sentence, as in Give me a lash of that., You could say, Gimme a shot of that kettle there when referring to A shot.. . An Irish proverb that expresses approval of behavior is nice one. Such as, Ah, nice one! Sure look People might say sure look, itll be grand to respond to a question. It was completely lacking in fun. Example: Tell the kids to come in now because its rotten. Broke: Embarrassed. . Example: 'He's not feeling the best today, he was locked last night.'. . Hes a gowl and a half that boy, for instance. If you hear this you should expect sunshine and warm weather, possibly a light breeze. Convert from English to Irish speak. For instance, Declan has been in there for the past hour looking around., To eat the head off someone is to become extremely enraged with them. Banjaxed This is used to describe something that is broken or not working. Come here to me Youll hear this, usually, at the start of a conversation or sentence when someone wants to get your attention or has something important to me. Im tired already! Shame the color is so awful. Say, That chicken fillet roll was class, for instance. In recent years, Ive heard much less of this one. can also be used as a salutation, as in Ah, Tony. Hows the fun? This is a phrase that is frequently used to indicate how long it has been since someone has been seen or something has been done. Shamey Brannagin was once more caught stealing from Kerrigans, for instance. When describing something or someone who is in a bad situation, the phrase in bits is used. Meaning: (Expression) The expression the craic was 90 means that a person is having an exceptionally good time. Meaning: (Noun) The word mucker is used as another name for a friend. Stop acting the maggot. likely to wake up the next day with a bad hangover. Cop on to yourself Used to tell someone to pull themselves together. Im going on the lash at the weekend means I am going out drinking this weekend. Your man who I purchased the car from is a serious Gombeen, I said. When someone is Acting the maggot, they are dossing or messing around, which means they are not carrying out their intended task. Can you recommend any books about 18th century Irish speech? Oi / / is an interjection used in various varieties of the English language, particularly Australian English, British English, Indian English, Irish English, New Zealand English, and South African English, as well as non-English languages such as Chinese, Tagalog, Tamil, Hindi / Urdu, Japanese, and Portuguese to get the attention of another I only have it for a week and its gone to shit. Such as, Story horse?! Ill speak with you later, okay? Thats sound! Be wide, my friend! Ireland is the second largest island in the world, just next to Great Britain. Say, Theres your change, for instance. For example, its bloody freezing means it is really, really cold. Sound A word that can often be used instead of grand or okay. The small animal, of course, but in slang it means something that looks, sounds or simply is absolutely awful. Meaning: (Expression) The term acting the maggot is when an Irish person deems to mess around instead of doing what he or she is supposed to be doing. Example: Where did you get these eggs, you glunterpeck? Do you recall the time Micky was busted moving the cow in the back of his Ford Focus, for instance? Meaning: (Noun) A goon is Irish slang for a man whos so drunk he becomes too loud and too much to handle. Quality, I see. Leg it to the shops, or leg it to meet one of the lads around the corner. For instance, Mrs. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Meaning: Stop moaning / complainingNote: To gurn is to complain about a person. People can also say Im roasting meaning Im really hot. Youre jammy to find it again. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish sayings, the word craic means the news, gossip, joke, or scoop spread by the word of mouth. Good God, it just occurred to me how many Irish proverbs there are for foul weather! For instance, Hes a terrible latchio., In other words, how are you? Meaning: (Expression) The Irish expression grand is used as a response to questions like How are you?, How are you doing? and many more. A place where members can be honest with each other, share their stories and travel photos, and try out a new way to see Ireland together. Many of us in Ireland use slang terms so frequently that we forget they are slang. Im Scots and so much (maybe 70% ?) She might get upset even if its only a joke. You could say, Here, pass me that yoke there on the counter, or you could call someone annoying, That yoke over there.. brought everything, including dessert. We actually do not want a casual acquaintance arriving on our doorstep expecting to be put up and shown the town. Up to 90 If you hear someone say she was up to 90 it usually means the person was busy or run ragged doing things. Its complete shite. Whether it actually cures the hangover is up for debate. Developed "straight from the horse's mouth". Meaning: (Greeting) The greeting How ya getting on? is used when two people have not seen or talked to each other in a while. Go away outta that This is another Irish phrase that has a few meanings, depending on the situation. For a personge to be alright, good, and fair dinkim. Courtin = Dating (term commonly used in Northern Ireland). See good, sound, sound as. Boke: Vomit. He is an absolute melter. By half past ten, I had locked myself in bed. This Irish slang has been used for years. It makes for a good conversation starter and is frequently up for discussion in both bars and retail establishments. Lets talk soon when were not busy. Give it a lash has many different applications. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase bang on is used as a response when someone is asking how you are. Perhaps unsurprisingly given the drunken Irish stereotype, there are several different words in Irish slang that all mean drunk. The most useless scut Ive ever seen. To slag someone is to mock them. Its manky! See how hes pulling a beamer. Howaya! Buncrana: A popular holiday destination. Moderate precipitation. Thank you. Meaning: (Expression) The expression good of it is another way of saying that something is great. As above, usually instead of saying something like hi buddy, any news. Given the lack of dry days in Ireland, youll be lucky to hear this said too often! Example: Hey, there, young fella. Is it true that your cousin is getting married just after a few weeks of dating? It was handled in an ogeous manner. According to Irish Central, the craic was 90 signifies "the nirvana of craic," though it can also be used sarcastically. Going on the lash Means going on a pub crawl, going for as many alcoholic drinks it takes to get drunk. sound out irish slang 05 Jun. sound out irish slang. You pup : You brazen individual. Young men and women are frequently referred to as youngfellas and youngwans, respectively. 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