The Kassites first appear as a political factor in Babylonia in 1742 (or 1741) BCE, when they were opposed by both Samsiluna and Rm-Sn Is (see Stol, 1975, pp. Saarbrcken: Saarlndische Druckerei und Verlag, Sternitzke, Katja. A Middle Babylonian Legal Document Raising Problems in Kassite Chronology. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. Kassite traditions endured mostly in the private and familial spheres (see Heinz, 1995, p. 165). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Given that their existence was before Joshua and the Canaan conquest, it is difficult to label these rebels as Hebrews specifically from Egypt. Under the later Kassite kings political authority was weakened as peripheral provinces detached themselves from effective state control (see Brinkman, 1963, pp. The city of Babylon had been a city-state in Mesopotamia for many years. . Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zu mglichen lexikalischen Isoglossen". Babylonia under the Sealand and Kassite Dynasties, edited by Susanne Paulus and Tim Clayden, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, pp. 39:1-45:5 - the most detailed account in the Old Testament of Babylon conquest of Jerusalem and its aftermath. of Balkan, Kassitenstudien, JNES 15, 1956, pp. The most advanced Bible dictionary as a part of Biblia Plus, which includes everything you need to take your Bible study to the next level. [28][29] A typical treaties include the EgyptianHittite peace treaty (c.1259 BC) and the treaty between the Kassite ruler Karaindash and the Assyrian ruler Ashur-bel-nisheshu (c. 1410 BC). 6969, Albrecht Goetze, "The Kassites and Near Eastern Chronology,", This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 22:04. Babylon under Kassite rulers, who renamed the city Karanduniash, re-emerged as a political and military power in Mesopotamia. The chariot and the horse, which the Kassites worshipped, first came into use in Babylonia at this time. The endonym of the Kassites was probably Galzu, although they have also been referred to by the names Kau, Kassi, Kasi or Kashi. 14155, Hjlund, Flemming. (1969): 310-348, Kaniuth, Kai. 5 (197680, Miller, Jared L.. "3. The texts from the Kassite Period (1600-1160 BCE) start to overlap with the biblical texts of the Old Testament because at this point most nations already had developed a written language and new technologies allowed for communications to now be written down and passed along to others. And the flood was in 1656 from Adam. Some prebendaries in Babylonian temple cities bore Kassite ancestors names as late as the Achaemenid period (see Zadok, 2003, p. 482, with n. 6). The documentation from Old Babylonian Susa would have strengthened the case for the Zagros as the original country of the Kassites, were it not limited, undated, and to some extent of questionable interpretation (Zadok, 1987, p. 16). 124, no. The Kassites took refuge in the mountains but were brought down and resettled, in standard Assyrian practice, in Hardispi and Bit Kubatti, which were made part of the Arrapha district. Several members of the ruling family of Ellipi (< Middle Babylonian Ullipi, with attenuation of the initial vowel, according to A. Fuchs apud Sassmannshausen, 2001, p. 151b) bore Kassite names. The rulers of Allabria, Hubukia, and Ginguhtu, regions in the direction of present-day West Azerbaijan Province, Iran, bore Kassite names (Ianzi-buria, Ianz, and Ursi respectively). The earliest occurrence of an individual with a Kassite name in Babylonia is from Rm-Sn Is 53rd year (1770 BCE). Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible - Google Books Iran 11.1 (1973): 1-27, Levine, Louis D. "Geographical Studies in the Neo-Assyrian ZagrosII." Kassite, member of an ancient people known primarily for establishing the second, or middle, Babylonian dynasty; they were believed (perhaps wrongly) to have originated in the Zagros Mountains of Iran. 55, No. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. Where did the Hittites live in ancient Anatolia? This document includes a graphic timeline (imagemap) and a hypertexted text timeline There is only soft evidence about whether or not the Habiru are actually the Hebrews. 129, Brinkman, J. Kassites eventually depose him, but damage has been done to the irrigation system. In letter #108, Rib-Hadda gives praises to Baal and also Samas in the sky. Midianites in The Bible - King James Bible Online The emergence of Assyria as a world power under Aur-uballi caused Burnaburia II to marry Aur-uballis daughter as his main wife. The language of the Kassites remains unclassified (called a language isolate), differing from most common languages that exist today in the world. 409-24. Most cultic offices and lower administrative ranks were almost exclusively in the hands of Babylonians (Akkadians). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bible Charts and Maps, PO Box 171053, Austin, TX 78717 During this time, in the 1300s bce, Assyria broke away from Babylonia. S. F. C. Richardson, The Collapse of a Complex State: A Reappraisal of the End of the First Dynasty of Babylon, 1683-1597 B.C., Ph.D. The Kassites retained power for about four hundred years (until 1155 BC). The demise of the Kassite dynasty was caused mainly by external factors. The first person that came close was Thomas Edison and I thought wow Im a genius. The first Jewish king, King Saul, defeated the Ammonites and made them his servants. A timeline of ancient Mesopotamian history up to and including the Persians. 2, line 18; 10, 11.31.34). Where did the Kassite people originally come from? Then all the Midianites and the Amalekites and the children of the east were gathered together, and went over, and pitched in the valley of Jezreel. AbydosDynasty Yanoam, is not known (maybe Yaknoam). Tukulti-Ninurta of Assyria conquered Babylon in 1225 B.C., but the Kassites survived Assyrian pressure until twelfth-century wars with Elam finally resulted in the end of their suzerainty. For a time in the early reign of Tukulti-Ninurta I Assyria gained ascendancy, until the Elamites under Kidin-Hutran III intervened. Scholars today are still debating the historical identity of the Cushites. 5 What kind of government did the Kassites have? [3], The origin and classification of the Kassite language, like the Sumerian language and Hurrian language, is uncertain, and, also like the two latter languages, has generated a wide array of speculation over the years, even to the point of linking it to Sanskrit. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie, 105(2), 255-257. Idem, Peoples from the Iranian Plateau in Babylonia during the Second Millennium B.C., Iran 25, 1987, pp. 23342, J. 31217, Levine, Louis D. "Geographical Studies in the Neo-Assyrian ZagrosI." 163-69). American Journal of Archaeology, vol. 14151050 BCE. They later regained power yet would be defeated along with many other nations under King Nebuchadnezzar in the seventh century BC. Ancient Mesopotamian literature developed c. 2600 BCE after scribes Studies in Eastern History; Vol. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". This should come at no surprise given the nature of god/goddess worship within the land. Altorientalische Forschungen (in German) (30): 372381. Astour, Michael C. The Name of the Ninth Kassite Ruler. Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. Where Was The Land Of Nod? | World Events and the Bible 1465 BCE (Brinkman, 1972, p. 274; Edens 1994, p. 210). This event saw the conquest of Babylon by the Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus the Great and marked the end of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. 3, 1973, pp. There is very little evidence for serious political problems before the thirteenth century BC when Assyria to the north and Elam to the east began to threaten Babylonia, and eventually brought an end to Kassite control. This was followed by Dynasty II of Isin (1169-1039 b.c. Die Tontafeln der Grabung Robert Koldeweys 18991917." Remember that Hebrews existed before the Egyptian captivity. The interest of the boundary stones for modern scholars is not only economic and religious but also artistic. The Kassites - Bible History The Kassites You are here: Home Ancient Babylonia Old Babylonian Period (2000 - 1595 BC) The Kassites Just exactly who The Kassites were, and anything about their origins and history, is very obscure. I; Chronicles conserning early babylonian Studies in Eastern History, II. 88 f.). Volume 2 Kardunia. [15][16] Kudurrus, stone stele used to record land grants and related documents provide another source for Kassite history. 17793, Roaf, Michael. Cancik-Kirschbaum, 1996, no. Mesopotamian History and M. Hlscher, Die Personennamen der kassitenzeitlischen Texte aus Nippur, Imgula 1, Mnster, 1996. Unfortunately, many of those tablets have not yet been published, including hundreds held in the Ottoman Museum in Istanbul. This is when they are shown on the Biblical Timeline with world history. 73, No. Both regions remained linked with the Babylonian government during the 11th and 10th century BCE, but from 850 BCE onwards they passed to the Assyrian sphere of influence (see Brinkman, 1968, pp. 6, no. Chronicles and king lists are imprecise, and although the Kassite kings traditionally ruled over Babylonia for 576 years, it is probable that the first Kassite kings reigned in Babylonia simultaneously with the last kings of the first Babylonian dynasty; thus Gandash, the first Kassite king, possibly began his reign about the middle of the 18th century bc, but not at Babylon. Nevertheless, some Babylonian cultural influence presumably persisted there. A. Armstrong, S. W. Cole, and V. G. Gurzadyan, Dating the Fall of Babylon: A Reappraisal of Second-Millennium Chronology (a Joint Ghent-Chicago-Harvard Project), Mesopotamian History and Environment 2: Memoirs 4. The Journal of Ancient EgyptianInterconnections makes a very strong argument that it is not representing Israel but the field is quite divided on this piece. The Kassite penetration into Mesopotamia. 2, 1971, Ferrara, A. J. The Kassite Dynasty refurbished many of the ancient Babylonian cities and constructed a new city called Dur Kurigalzu (named after one of the Kassite kings) near modern Baghdad. Their direct or indirect ties to the Middle Euphrates region enhanced their communication with the Hittites who controlled parts of northern Syria, so they might have been instrumental in enabling the temporary conquest of Babylon by the Hittite king Telipinu, who put an end to Hammurabis dynasty in 1595 BCE and eventually gave way for the Kassite rule in Babylonia. The area they used to inhabit is located. They date the fall of Babylon to ca. The anonymity of most of the Kassites in late Old Babylonian sources is not greatly remedied by the new occurrences from the unpublished texts evaluated by Richardson (2002, pp. Gezer has been captured; [53] Kassite pottery deposits have been found as far away as Al Khor Island in the Persian Gulf area. [2] There are records of Kassite and Babylonian interactions, in the context of military employment, during the reigns of Babylonian kings Samsu-iluna (1686 to 1648 BC), Ab-euh, and Amm-ditna. (paternal name) seem to be the only ones which resemble names with relevance to Kassites (cf. Kassites. There is a radical change of the administrative terminology. The Bible makes many references to a people known as the "Cushites," implying they are the descendents of Noah's grandson Cush, who inhabited the "Land of Cush" in Old Testament times. Genesis 2:14 gives the location of the Garden of Eden. Les Kassites, un peuple antique qui n'tait ni indo-europen, ni smite, tait originaire du Lorestan. The Biblical Garden of Eden Edens 1994, p. 213), the Kassite rulers reconstructed old cities in various parts of the country. During subsequent raids, Elamite troops stole numerous monuments from sanctuaries across southern Mesopotamia and carried them back to Susa, contributing to . I cannot say that I am convinced by it but there are some real pieces of evidence to support it. Idem, A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia, Analecta Orientalia 43, Rome, 1968. 471-589. 925, Yaln, Serdar. His stele tells of a civil war of sorts and is backed by later Greek sources. The Karun river runs a course of over 500 miles. What Really Happened Between Ruth and Boaz On The Threshing Floor. When and how did the Twelve Apostles die? First mentioned in Elamite texts of the late 3rd millennium bc, they penetrated into Mesopotamia in the 2nd millennium, Van De Mieroop, 2003, pp. The Kissites used their alliances to help repel enemies and to establish a trade. the Kassites, take over this region, and you can see them . 1/2, 1981, pp. Babylonia under the Kassites 1, edited by Alexa Bartelmus and Katja Sternitzke, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2017, pp. This temple was probably one of the most important institutions of Kassite Babylonia. The Kassites ( / ksats /) were people of the ancient Near East, who controlled Babylonia after the fall of the Old Babylonian Empire c. 1595 BC and until c. 1155 BC ( middle chronology ). 2, 2006, pp. M. Stol, Studies in Old Babylonian History, Publications de lInstitut historique-archologique nerlandais de Stamboul 40, Leiden, 1975. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [24] They were reported in Babylonia by the 18th century BC, especially around the area of Sippar. Submitted tags will be reviewed by site administrator before it is posted online.If you enter several tags, separate with commas. The last two toponyms are mentioned in Sennaheribs 8th campaign against the Kassites and Yasubigalleans (see Edzard, 1976-80, p. 271a). Abraham was from the city of Ur according to Genesis 11:31 above. Volume 2 Kardunia. ), whose kings were native Babylonians. Roman Empire Map - There is not a single connected text in the Kassite language. If we reference this ancient trade route map it will show us where the Kassites (Semitic people, Akkad, pdf; Akkadian, pdf) once lived, in the mountains east of Mesopotamia. The archive originates, not from the temple, but from the palace of the governor (andabakku, Sumerian U.EN.NA) of Nippur (see Balkan, 1986, p. 8). The Babylonians - Learn about ancient Babylon and the people who lived there. 17385, Schneider, Bernhard. Historians and scholars claim that their rule was the longest in the history of ancient Babylon. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. of Balkan, Kassitenstudien, Archiv fr Orientforschung 18,1957-58, pp. - C., Burna-Buriash Ier ensures its . How did the American colonies actually win the war and gain their Independence from Britain? The Babylonian empire founded by Hammurabi was overthrown by the Kassites (whose origins are unknown) in 1595 BCE, the conquest following a Hittite invasion that sacked Babylon but did not stay to rule over it.Over the following centuries, the Kassites successfully . [7], Documentation of the Kassite period depends heavily on the scattered and disarticulated tablets from Nippur, where thousands of tablets and fragments have been excavated. 211 f.). 1496 BCE, i.e., just three years after its fall, if to rely upon the evidence of the texts from Tall Muammad (for their onomasticon, see Zadok, 1994, p. 48a; Sassmannshausen, 1999, pp. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Kassites played a central role in the military. A. Brinkman, Kassiten (Kass), RLA, vol. BIBLE BATTLES - Military History - Strategy and Tactics - Ancient 54, 1992, pp. [20] Other important centers during the Kassite period were Larsa, Sippar and Susa. The specific purpose and intent of this entry is to present research on biblical synchronisms; references to the same or supposedly same historical events from multiple cultures. Dilmun (modern Bahrain) in the Persian Gulf was ruled by a Kassite governor. 76, no. Foster and D. Gutas, Monographs on the Ancient Near East 2/3, Malibu, 1986. This region became increasingly unsafe, especially during the reign of Samsuditana, the last ruler of the Hammurabi dynasty. Isin in the Kassite Period". Although both the level of urbanization and of the rural population in Babylonia was lower than that in the early second millennium BCE (cf. Volume 1 Kardunia. 165-74. kassites in the bible - HAZ Rental Center 2014. Who Were the Cushites in the Bible? - Synonym Babylonia under the Sealand and Kassite Dynasties, edited by Susanne Paulus and Tim Clayden, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, pp. 112 f.). Kassite kings ruled for about 400 years. [4] The Kassite religion is also poorly known. The Elamites went on to take Babylon up till Hammurabi around 1700 BC. 131 f.). The Kassites - Bible History H. H. Paper, rev. 1, pp. Top level: Mesopotamian Gods in symbolic form, second level: animals and deities playing musical instruments (detail), "Unfinished" Kudurru, Kassite period, attributed to the reign of Melishipak, 1186-1172 B.C.E., found in Susa, where it had been taken as war booty in the 12th century B.C.E. 421 f.). Kassite deities were the pantheon of the Kassites ( Akkadian: Ka, from Kassite Galzu [1] ), a group inhabiting parts of modern Iraq (mostly historical Babylonia and the Nuzi area), as well as Iran and Syria, in the second and first millennia BCE. They were used to mark official items and ownership. "Babylon in the Second Millennium BCE: New Insights on the Transitions from Old Babylonian to Kassite and Isin II Periods". One of its many anthropological and theological implications is that Genesis 10 and 11 are historically accurate. "The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State." the Babylonian Tradition in the Second Millennium B.C. The names of some Kassite deities are known. One Kassite invention was the boundary stone ( kudurru ), a block of stone that served as a record of a grant of land by the king to favoured persons. 135-38. Many of them were integrated in the Babylonian social structure (De Smet, 1990, p. 10). Archaeologists divide it into three periods, Early Kassite (pre c. 1415 BC), Middle Kassite (c 1415 BC - 1225 BC), and Late Kassite (c. 1225 BC - 1155 BC). Amazing Bible Timeline with World History,,,